Let's Keep Our Eyes on those Satellites!

OWL Helps to Get the Most Out of Your Mission if You Are…

As mission owners, we need to consider the bigger picture. The space landscape is changing fast, with more spacecraft and players. Brace yourselves for a traffic jam as over 3,000 new satellites will be by 2026! Keeping a sharp eye on space is crucial, as satellite slip-ups could dent everything, from security to the economy. Identifying objects in space is a key part of the Space Situational Awareness program (SSA), and OWL is ready to get on board!

Use CasesGet a Quote

Satellite Operator

Satellite Operator

Deployment and Early Orbital Data: Immediately after deployment, utilize OWL’s beaconing to swiftly identify your satellite within a swarm and gather early orbital data.

Spacecraft Health Monitoring: In scenarios of communication loss or spacecraft’s end of life, rely on OWL for prompt reception of crucial spacecraft health data.

Payload Owner

Payload Owner

Data Correlation: Use OWL to enhance your downlinked data by correlating it with precise spatial and temporal information, ensuring accurate positioning of your payload’s data

Launch Provider

Launch Provider

Integrating OWL onto an upper stage of a launch vehicle allows you to follow its orbit while completing orbital injection or the acceleration of the payload.

GS Provider

Ground Station Provider

If you want to track spacecraft orbit and frequency you receive beacons, which contain data for spacecraft identification and localization. Subsequently, the ground station tracking system accurately points the antenna to the spacecraft using the localization data.


SSA Companies & Autorities

When you wish to track EOL spacecraft, you can utilize the continued operation of OWL on these satellites beyond their end of life to identify them and obtain localization data about their orbit from the beacon transmissions.

When spacecraft deployment kicks off, during the early orbit phase, you can utilize beacon identification and localization data to uniquely identify the deployed spacecraft. It is even more important in the case of shared launches.

Use Cases

Utilize OWL Effectively, in Case of…

Shared launch & deployment

When several satellites are released from a spacecraft, it can be challenging to identify the one that belongs to you among the swarm.

System failure

For example, if the antenna fails to open, you cannot communicate with your satellite and don’t even know the cause of the problem.

Unfavorable operational conditions

ADCS stability is one example when the antenna is only facing the right direction for a very limited period if any.

Inoperable satellite

OWL can be used to download backup HK data to determine the reason, such as incorrect thermal design or faulty energy balance.

Avoiding additional system development

OWL eliminates the need to develop an additional system for TID, GNSS, and angular velocity measurements.

Ensuring satellite safety

During the commissioning phase, OWL can provide per-axis angular velocity data independently, aiding in ADCS calibration and assuring your satellite’s safety even without turning on its subsystems.

Satellites equipped with thruster