The Challenges of Space
Safety for CubeSats



Space traffic has become a critical issue due to the rapid increase in orbiting objects. By 2026, private companies alone are expected to launch around 3,000 new satellites, alongside government and military missions. This surge, combined with existing space debris, increases risks to space operations, potentially causing economic losses and endangering future missions. Collisions between satellites and debris can create more debris, heightening the risk of further collisions. Timely warning systems are essential to ensure space safety.

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 The OWL is a GNSS-based subsystem designed for CubeSats to support the early mission phases after the launch. It broadcasts location and telemetry data in VHF range, enabling operators to track the satellite during the most critical moments. Easily integrated into satellite, it transmits identification and position data for immediate tracking after deployment.

Essential Wearable for Your Satellite

The Orbital Whereabout Locator (OWL) is a beacon signal transmitter that transmits short, periodic RF messages (VHF), allowing the identification and localization of the hosting satellite.

OWL Serves Your Satellite in an Easy and Efficient Manner

Independent Battery Operation

Operates independently from the host satellite for at least 18 hours on its own battery.

Platform Independence

The product boasts a platform-independent design, ensuring compatibility and flexibility across various systems.

Compact Design

Fits perfectly into the Tuna Can of the space- craft, without taking up valuable payload space.

Plug & Play

simplifying installation can be attached to the host satellite with just four screws.

RF Interface

The COM system implements the radio interfaces to Earth, enabling the transmission of beacon frames to the ground stations.

Useful Telemetry Data

Beacon messages also transmit on-board measurements, including radiation (TID), angular velocity, and temperature data.

On-board Data Access

GNSS data and onboard measurements are available to the host satellite if it supports the optional communication.

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OWL – Efficient CubeSat Identification and Mission Tracking

OWL – Efficient CubeSat Identification and Mission Tracking

On November 11th, 2023, the Platform 5 mission was launched, in which the developers of the 3U CubeSat can track the spacecraft from the moment of deployment using C3S’s OWL (Orbital Whereabout Locator) instrument. The new development, when installed on a satellite,...

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OWL – hatékony CubeSat azonosítás és követés

OWL – hatékony CubeSat azonosítás és követés

OWL – hatékony CubeSat azonosítás és követés A C3S egyik legújabb fejlesztésű terméke a műholdra szerelve, a saját pozíciója és azonosítója továbbításával segít azonosítani és követni az űreszközt közvetlenül az üzembe helyezés után. További...

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OWL is successfully launched!

OWL is successfully launched!

OWL is successfully launched! Welcome to the new era of efficiency & control C3S’s VHF locator and tracker instrument, OWL (Orbital Whereabout Locator), lifted off on November 11th …

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